Big Spill 5th anniversary
Today we celebrate the 5th anniversary of The Rage album Big Spill.
It took a long time for the album finally being released as the first songs from it were made available to listen as yearly as 2006 with the album following only some 7 years later. While there was activity from 2006 to 2008, no news related to the project came since 2009 and it could be presumed that it would stay that way. Nevertheless, the album titled Big Spill appeared quietly in digital stores in spring of 2013.
All the promotion for the album was left in the 2000’s, including three (!) music videos, which you can check in the videos section. A joyful surprise from the band, as all other Lazlo Bane albums featured one music video.
Musically, the album is pure rock ‘n’ roll with all it’s power, energy, roughness and offensive behavior. The use of the alter ego liberated the band to make something truly unique. It’s not the kind of album you would hear every now and then.
As of today, Big Spill remains last release of new music from Lazlo Bane, though taking a form of an alter ego. As always, waiting for more.
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